Thursday, June 24, 2010

College Fair Projects

College fair project models come in all shapes and sizes.

Having a creative, educational college fair project is important for the grade in the class you are taking. A winning project can earn you awards and prizes to further your college career. Most college fairs are held to challenge students to come up with new ideas and ways of doing things. With a few basic ideas, let your mind soar, and find ways to reinvent the simplest of concepts.

Science Fair

There are two basic science fair projects. A working project physically displays a concept with a life-size model of the object. For example, a catapult in miniature or model size can demonstrate how far it can fling items while a catapult in life-size would need a large area to do the same thing. An experimental science project, on the other hand, proves or disproves a scientific theory. Experimental projects have actual examples or pictures and graphics to follow the experiment as well as text explaining the steps and conclusion of the project.

Art Fair

Art fairs include a diverse range of arts and crafts made by students. Depending on a student's area of interest or specialty, he can create a piece of art for the fair to be judged. Some examples include pottery, graphic design, painting, sculpting, up-cycling objects and textiles, just to name a few in this ever-growing category.

Math Fair

Math fair college projects are about proving and disproving math formulas and finding new ways of making math happen. You should display your formula and the reasons why it does and does not work. You can also include models and graphics to show your formula. Being present to explain it to peers and judges, if possible, is ideal.

Career Fair

Career fairs help you realize what it will take to be in the profession you are striving for in your college education. Displaying objects of interest, pictures and graphics of your chosen career will show others how much you know about the subject and help you dig deeper into the upcoming role. Interviewing professionals in your chosen career, shadowing them and even having them there with you to answer questions are ideal options for field work with your project. Working examples of the career are educational and interesting. For example, if your chosen profession is dental hygiene, you can have a dental hygienist on sight to clean teeth and answer questions.

Tags: your chosen, answer questions, chosen career, fair project, pictures graphics, your chosen career, your college