Tuesday, January 12, 2010

What Skills Do You Need To Become A Lawyer

Lawyers need to recall pertinent facts from previous cases.

A lawyer needs to have a variety of skills at his disposal. He needs to be able to think and speak clearly, expressing himself to others in a confident, forthright manner. He also needs to be able to recall details of legal documents, as well as recall legal precedents established in previous cases. Lawyers also need to be able to be both objective and analytical in presenting an argument.


Organizational skills are a required skill set for a lawyer. When a lawyer prepares a case, he takes information from different areas and subjects, then fuses them into a package. If a lawyer presents a case in court, he needs to be able to target a specific piece of information quickly, making organization an essential skill. While some attorneys have assistants to gather information and data, it falls upon the lawyer to actually prepare the case.


Many lawyers have excellent recall. In order to become a lawyer, seven years of college are required -- four years to an undergraduate degree, followed by three years of law school -- during which time large amounts of information must be assimilated and retrieved. Law school requires a great deal of memorization of past cases, legal precedents and judicial arguments.


Lawyers possess keen analytical skills. A lawyer hones his talent for sifting through what can sometimes be reams of data in order to locate critical facts in a case. In addition, lawyers need to have the ability to concentrate and focus.


A key skill as a lawyer is being objective. The law deals with people and lawyers need to separate emotion from the facts of a case. While it might be heartbreaking to have to deal with grieving parents in a trial, a lawyer needs to distance himself in order to determine the facts of a case, unclouded by his feelings.


Research skills are paramount to being a lawyer. Although attorneys may have assistants working for them, there will be times when a lawyer will have to wade into his own research. He might need to sort through volumes of law books to find a single case which established a precedent for the case he's currently working on.


Communication skills are key elements in a lawyer's composition. Lawyers need to be able to think and speak clearly, explaining important facts of cases to people who might not understand everything involved. The lawyer needs to break it down for everyone to access. Lawyers also need to be able to draft legal documents to present to the court that are cogent and thorough.

Tags: facts case, lawyer needs, need able, needs able, able think