Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Interviewing Tips For First Job After Graduating From High School

Whether you are looking to work for the summer or to work full time in lieu of going to college, your first job after graduating from high school is your most important job. Obtaining a high school diploma is the first milestone to obtaining a job that will go on your resume and set the tone for your working career.

Prepare a Resume

Although you do not have extensive work experience, you should prepare a resume. Include your contact information with your name, mailing address, telephone number and email address. Be sure your email address is neutral and professional in the way it looks and sounds (i.e., jsmith@emailaddress.com instead of videogameguy@emailaddress.com). List the name of your high school, the dates you attended it and a brief list of courses that speak to your interests or desired occupation. Include any volunteer activities or involvement that provided you with practical skills that would be attractive to a potential employer.

Dress Appropriately

Dress based on the environment in which you will be interviewing. If you are interviewing for a job in an office, dress professionally. If you have a suit, wear it. If not, wear business casual attire, such as a skirt and blouse or khaki pants and a button-down shirt. If you are interviewing as a lifeguard, shorts and a pressed polo shirt may be appropriate.

Bring References

Because you do not have much work experience, references can be valuable in helping you to get a job. Include three different types of references, if possible. For example, try to include someone who knows you personally, such as a family member. For a professional reference, list someone who you may have worked for voluntarily or someone you worked with at an organization, such as your church, Girl Scouts or Boy Scouts. Include an academic reference such as a teacher, principal, guidance counselor or coach.

Paint a Clear Picture of Who You Are

Show your personality by being yourself. Do not be afraid to sell yourself. Be prepared to discuss your strengths and areas you which to improve upon. Describe your best qualities: dependability, flexibility, enthusiasm, willingness to learn new things, ability to work on a team, attention to details, etc. Be prepared to defend the reasons why you are the best candidate for the job. No matter what, be honest. Ask questions because this will show that you are interested in the position.

In Closing

Thank your interviewer for the opportunity to interview. Get his contact information and send a follow-up email or thank you note within 24 hours.

Tags: high school, contact information, email address, work experience