Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Checklist For College Freshmen

Being prepared for college and dorm liviing will eliminate much stress.

Attending college can be an exciting time as you prepare to enter the next phase of your life. However, college can also be very stressful, as you prepare to leave home and begin your first year. With a little planning and preparation, you'll be well on the way to making that transition successfully.

Dates to Remember

Entering college for the first time means filling out a lot of forms -- registration forms, enrollment forms, scholarship applications, and housing contracts. Keep track of all the due dates on a calendar and be sure to check it often. Missing one of these deadlines can result in higher costs or not getting the classes you need. Check to see if you need recommendations for any of these. If you do, line them up at least a week before the deadline, so sources have sufficient time to complete any necessary forms or letters.


Every college student should bring a computer -- preferably a laptop for classroom use -- and printer to school with him. While most colleges have printers available, bringing your own will make you more independent. One or more flash drives are also necessary for extra photo and document storage. While you can play DVDs on most computers, a small television capable of playing them will free up your computer for classroom use. Most students also find that iPods and cell phones are all but indispensable. Don't forget an alarm clock, preferably a loud one that you won't be able to ignore.

Room Necessities

Many students like to wait until they get to college and meet their roommates before deciding on room decorations. Since you and your roommate will share the room, getting some items like curtains and bedspreads that you can agree on is a good idea. Before you leave home, you should check to see if you are supposed to bring your own blankets, pillows and sheets or if they are furnished for you. Regardless of the answer, there are several items you can start buying now, including a small refrigerator and microwave. Plan on taking a small coffee maker along, too. Often overlooked, hangers are a college necessity for keeping your clothes neat. And don't forget a can opener or iron. If a desk lamp is not furnished, add one to your list.

Other Useful Items

Take along a few plastic or wire storage crates to double as shelves since they can be arranged to fit almost any space. You can also use one for a clothes hamper if desired. Be sure to include some towels and wash cloths plus a few plates, glasses, and pieces of silverware. A bulletin board will give you a place to display photos and post reminders also.

Tags: leave home