Monday, May 31, 2010

Be Smart Without Being Nerdy

When you think of a nerd, you probably visualize a person with thick glasses and no fashion sense or social skills. Many people believe that you must be nerdy to be smart. While nerdy people often excel academically, this isn't a prerequisite to being smart.


1. Learn from a variety of sources and experiences. Analytical intelligence allows a person to analyze, judge and compare or contrast items. Creative intelligence produces a person who can cope with new ideas or create new products. Practical intelligence develops common sense or survival skills often associated with being street smart.

2. Share your knowledge with others. Be able to explain difficult concepts in layman terms. If you can tutor the star quarterback or the popular cheerleader, you become valuable to them and their peers.

3. Develop social skills early in life. Learn to interact with people. Find common points of interest between you and others.

4. Play sports or get involved in extracurricular activities. Look at being smart as one of many talents. You relate to a wider variety of people if you have more than one talent.

5. Pay attention to fashion. Most people define a nerdy person as someone who is unattractive or socially inept. Look at fashion magazines, find out what stores the popular kids shop at and find a trendy style that makes the most of your physical appearance.

6. Get contact lenses or pick a trendy frame for your glasses. Contacts allow you to see as well as your glasses, but don't have the nerdy association attached to them that glasses do.

Tags: being smart, social skills, your glasses