Friday, June 4, 2010

Build A Student'S Web Page

Enhance student learning with a Web page.

A student Web page is a useful tool in the classroom and for home use. Students who have access to a Web page that contains class information will be able to more easily keep up with class assignments and activities necessary to successfully navigate academically. Creating a class Web page takes some effort, but is possible using specific information.


1. Create your Web page using a template provided by the school, online site or Web page building tool. You might also write the page using HTML code in a program such as Notepad, Microsoft Word, FrontPage or Dreamweaver. Find a Web-hosting program online to publish your Web page.

2. Use a simple design for your page. Fonts should be large enough for students to see and different colors to highlight specific information or links. Add graphics to add an interesting element, but use them sparingly to avoid distractions.

3. Add in links to pertinent information. For instance, if you perform a grammar lesson, add links to practice websites to reinforce student learning. You might choose to give homework using links tied to lessons; however, be sure to give students who may not have computers class time to complete the work.

4. Put any homework worksheets, tests or other printable materials online for student access. This will allow students who forget class materials to print them out at home and help you avoid instances of forgotten homework.

5. Include contact information such as your email address for students to more easily ask you questions when necessary. Be sure to include hours of availability so students are aware of when you will be able to assist them.

6. Display student works on the Web page. This will make students more likely to go to the Web page and provide a motivational tool. If they know there is a possibility their work will be displayed, they are likely to work harder.

7. Publish your Web [age using a server on your schools website or using an online web-hosting program. Be sure your hosting program enables you to access the site to add updates as necessary.

Tags: your page, more easily, page using, specific information, student learning