Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Break Into The Fashion Industry Without Going To School

You don't have to go to school or get a degree to be a part of the fashion industry. Even if you want to start your own clothing line, a formal education isn't required. Fashion design school or sewing classes may help you develop your skills and make connections, but there are plenty of other ways to become known in the fashion industry. If you want to do hair and makeup, school and a certificate is required, but if you want to design, style, model, write or work in other areas of fashion, you can get started without going to school.


1. Have a product to offer. This could be clothing, shoes, accessories, or a service (such as styling, photography, writing). If your product is clothing, make it yourself or hire tailors to help you. Make samples of your work and/or take photos for a portfolio. If you're a stylist, take photos of the people you have styled and keep a portfolio. Create enough of what you have to then be prepared to show it off. If you want to model, you are the product, so keep yourself in shape and have current professional photos to show people. This step is the most important because without a product or service, you have nothing to offer.

2. Make connections in the area of the fashion industry you want to break into. This might mean you need to relocate to a large city like New York, Los Angeles, Paris or London, but almost every big city has some opportunity. Go to the boutiques you'd like to see your products sold in, or go to the agencies you'd like to work with. Meet people who work in those fields and talk to them and ask for their advice. Show them your work, and leave them your card.

3. Keep up with the fashion world. Attend events in your area, go to fashion shows, and keep informed about current trends. Even if you have a cutting edge or unique style, knowing the industry and its trends is vital. If you have a niche style or market, get to know your market. Ask yourself, "Who am I trying to reach?" Then keep up with events, articles, trends and people in that group. Knowing as much as possible will make you better able to communicate in the industry's language.

4. Apply for entry level jobs in your fashion field of choice. You can work at a boutique to learn the ins and outs of couture clothing or collections. You can intern at a modeling agency or at a magazine to learn about how they work. If you are a stylist, work at department store you admire or approach special events with your portfolio. As you work with people in the industry, you'll gain more insight into how it works, and this will give you an edge in your field.

Tags: fashion industry, area fashion, fashion industry want, industry want, take photos