Wednesday, June 30, 2010

What Are The Benefits Of Sororities & Fraternities

Friendships formed in fraternities and sororities can last a lifetime.

Although fraternities and sororities are often depicted in books and film as groups of students intent only on partying and getting into trouble, there are definite benefits to joining the Greek system on a college campus. It can be a place of great comfort to students away from home, afford students the opportunity to learn important skills and surround them with a network of lifetime members willing to help a fellow Greek.

Academic Strength

Students in fraternities and sororities can rely on other members for tutoring and mentoring.

Belonging to a fraternity or sorority might have a beneficial impact on a college student's GPA. One of the goals of the Greek system is to improve the academic achievement of its members. The atmosphere fosters scholastic development, the importance of getting good grades and keeping up with academic challenges. Most Greek communities have grade requirements to join and remain a member. There are many areas of study represented within the students of the system, and these students can help other members with tutoring and study sessions.

Building Leadership Qualities

Sorority and fraternity members gain valuable experience that is useful in a future career.

Each member of a sorority or fraternity must contribute in some way to the running of the organization. Typically, the groups support charitable causes and members are involved in the day-to-day tasks that support the organization. Students learn real-world skills such as handling a budget, motivating others, public speaking and running meetings. All in all, it adds up to gaining experience that other college students might not be exposed to.

Lifelong Friends

Friendships formed during the sorority and fraternity years can last long after graduation.

Because sorority and fraternity members typically work, study and play together, strong bonds of friendship are formed. Kinship and camaraderie are encouraged, and fellow members are even called "brothers" and "sisters" to emphasize and foster the built-in support system. Because students have common interests, they are able to rely on each other, and the ties they build are a great comfort to a student. The benefit of friendships formed during the Greek years can impact lives for years.


The mention of a Greek experience on a resume can carry great weight.

A long-lasting benefit of joining a fraternity or sorority is the built-in networking. A member who has just graduated from college and is looking for employment can use the alumni association for help. He or she may find a fellow brother or sister who is willing to lend a helping hand in a job search. Because there is a history of pride of membership, the alum already out in the workplace is very likely to help a fellow Greek. Listing fraternity or sorority membership on a resume can also be beneficial in a job search.

Tags: fraternities sororities, fraternity sorority, sorority fraternity, experience that, fellow Greek, formed during, fraternity members