Thursday, July 16, 2009

Make A Papermache Volcano

Make a Paper Mache Volcano. The volcano is a popular science fair project. Luckily for all parents, it is also an easy project to help kids make. With items that you can find at the grocery store and hardware store, this project can be made in a single day. This is also a project that gives kids of all ages the ability to design and decorate their projects to make them their own.


Making the Paper-Mache Volcano

1. Cut the top of the water bottle off. The top edge of the bottle is going to form the top of the volcano, so check to see how much or little to cut off the bottle to make the volcano as tall as desired.

2. Tape the bottle to the center of the cardboard so that it is upright. Make sure that the bottle is secure since it will be acting as the temporary center of the volcano.

3. Create the form of the volcano. Crumple up the newspaper into rolls to make the base form of the volcano and secure it with the tape. Make sure everything is well taped so that it is secure.

4. Make the paper-mache glue. In the large bowl, mix water and liquid laundry starch to make the paper-mache mixture. Use about one cup of water to two cups of starch.

5. Tear the newspaper into strips about one inch long. The paper will be overlapped, so make sure you have plenty of strips.

6. Dip the newspaper strips into the paper-mache mixture. Make sure that they are completely wet. Run the paper gently through your fingers to remove the excess liquid.

7. Lay the paper-mache strips onto the volcano form. Make sure the entire structure and the cardboard are covered. Be sure not to cover the opening to the bottle at the center of the volcano. This is where the lava will erupt. Overlap the paper to make a stronger form and smooth the newspaper from top to bottom gently with your fingers.

8. Wait for the paper mache to dry completely. This should take only a few hours.

9. Decorate your volcano with the paint. Any materials can be used to make the volcano unique.

Make the Volcano Erupt

10. Place baking soda in the opening of the volcano.

11. Mix together the vinegar and food coloring to the desired lava color.

12. Quickly pour the vinegar mixture into the volcano opening. The baking soda and vinegar will begin reacting in seconds and foamy lava will start erupting from the volcano.

Tags: Make sure, form volcano, baking soda, bottle center, center volcano