Friday, August 21, 2009

Get Ready For High School Graduation

Get ready and relieve stress and anxiety when high school graduation approaches.

High school graduation is a much anticipated milestone. A student graduating from high school has increased responsibility and a lot more to think about, from applying to different jobs to pursuing post-secondary education. This can be an exciting yet stressful time, but a student can get ready for high school graduation and make it a successful, positive experience.


1. Talk to your parents. Not only is this a huge milestone in your life, but also in theirs. Parents are often very emotional when their children graduate from high school, as it is a clear sign the child is growing into a mature adult and is ready to start his own life and do things on his own. This can help you as well as them. It can be useful to heed parental advice regarding financial and interpersonal matters, and talk about sex, drugs and alcohol. Parents often feel it is important to offer advice to their children on such important matters.

2. Spend time with friends, take a short trip or otherwise find activities to entertain and relax yourself. You have worked hard and have achieved a major accomplishment in your life by graduating from high school, and deserve a break. If you already have a job set up or otherwise have obligations and not much time for a trip, you can spend just an evening or weekend to celebrate and enjoy yourself.

3. Prepare to head off to college if you plan to pursue post-secondary education. All of the major planning for college should be done at least a year before you graduate from high school, but you can make sure things are in order and finalize everything. From budgeting your monthly expenses to preparing to move into a dorm, take care of all the details to ensure your transition goes smoothly.

4. Talk to the registrar at the college or university you plan to attend if you have any questions. This can help take a lot of the weight off your shoulders and relieve some of the stress and anxiety you are probably feeling.

5. Shop and find an outfit for your prom and prepare for the big night. Your prom is not only one of the biggest social events you will attend in your lifetime, but also an event that celebrates this important and joyous time, making you feel happy and proud. You get to spend time with your classmates and reflect on past events and experiences, as well as look forward to a bright future.

Tags: high school, from high, from high school, school graduation, graduate from, graduate from high, graduating from