Monday, December 28, 2009

Study Law In New Zealand

Becoming a lawyer in New Zealand takes several steps.

The island of New Zealand, though small, is represented remarkably well by the legal population. There are more than 10,500 lawyers in New Zealand, or one for every 409 people, according to New Zealand Law Society. If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a lawyer in New Zealand, it is pertinent to note the requirements before embarking on what could be a lengthy journey.


1. Matriculate at a school that offers a bachelor of laws degree, then complete the degree program. Finish the professional legal studies course offered by the Institute of Professional Legal Studies, or by the College of Law.

2. Obtain documentation of completion from the New Zealand Council of Legal Education (NZCLE). Apply for admission to the roll of Barristers and Solicitors of the High Court of New Zealand.

3. Apply to the NZCLE for a certificate of completion. Apply to the New Zealand Law Society for a certificate of character. You will then be able to practice law either as a New Zealand national or as a lawyer overseas.

Tags: lawyer Zealand, Zealand Society