Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Run A Spelling Bee

Run a Spelling Bee

Kids are kinetic creatures and many learn better when they're in motion and making noise. A spelling bee gets students out of their chairs and away from the tedium of writing their spelling words three times each, and allows them to have some fun while learning to spell. They're a great help for kids who learn better through hearing and speaking than through reading and writing. A spelling bee can encourage retention of weekly spelling words or give your star spellers a chance to shine at the end of the year, showing off all they've learned.


1. Compile a list of words, their definitions and a sentence for each. Make sure you try to write sentences that give clues to the meaning. For example: "The iguana had green spikes all along his spine" rather than "He wrote a story about an iguana." If you're unsure at all about the spelling or definition of a word, check a dictionary.

2. Explain the rules to all participants. Make sure they all know they must wait their turn before spelling a word--no shouting out or whispered prompts--and that good sportsmanship is expected.

3. Remind the participants that before they spell a word, they may ask to have it repeated, defined and used in a sentence.

4. Remind the participants that they will each have one chance to spell a word. If they spell it correctly, they will remain on stage (or at the front of the classroom) for the next round. If they misspell, they must leave the stage quietly and sit down.

5. If the spellers are kids of primary-school age, assign an adult or teen helper to be on hand in the case of heartbroken little ones who need some consoling after an unfortunate misspelling.

6. Line the participants up on stage.

7. Have each participant step forward when it's his turn. Read the assigned word clearly. Repeat, define or use the word in a sentence if asked.

8. When a speller gets a word right, tell her it was correct. Remind her to move back to her place on stage, if necessary.

9. If a speller gets a word wrong, be kind in your response. Simply say, "I'm sorry, that's incorrect." If he needs a gentle reminder to leave the stage, remind him that he can take his seat offstage now.

10. At the end of the spelling bee, congratulate the winner and thank all of the participants.

Tags: gets word, learn better, leave stage, Make sure, participants that