Friday, July 2, 2010

Check On Academic Accreditation Of A University

Universities accredited by regional accrediting bodies are condisered the most reputable.

With the increased prevalence of online degrees and colleges promising degrees based on life experience, it is increasingly necessary to check on the academic accreditation of any college or university you plan to attend. Accreditation is the process by which colleges and universities submit to an impartial audit of their programs. Accrediting agencies assess the quality of degree programs, courses and even the credentials of faculty members to ensure that college students are obtaining the highest level of education possible.


1. Visit the website of the university you wish to attend or research. Most university websites will have an accreditation link somewhere on the main homepage. In some cases you will find this among the drop-down menus on some university sites and in other cases it may be located somewhere near the bottom of the page. Pressing "CTRL-F" and typing "accreditation" in the search form will reveal if the accreditation link is on the home page. If not, look for a search engine form on the university's home page. Search for "accreditation" throughout the school's website. If you are unable to find it, this may be a red flag that the school is not accredited.

2. Search the accreditation page for an indication that the school is accredited by a regional accrediting body that is a part of the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). Programs accredited by these agencies are recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and are considered to be the most reputable. If the school is an online school, it can either be regionally accredited or accredited by the Distance Education Training Council (DETC). The DETC is also recognized by the department of education.

3. Visit the website of the CHEA and DETC, depending upon which one accredits the program you are researching. Both organizations offer you the opportunity to search for accredited institutions by searching their online database. The CHEA website allows you to search by the institution's name, by program type or by the accrediting body. The CHEA consists of several regional accrediting agencies like the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, each of which accredits institutions within its own geographic jurisdiction. You can also search programs in the same way through the DETC website.

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