Monday, November 25, 2013

Personal Goals For Graduate School

Impress a graduate school with your enthusiasim and achievements.

The statement of personal goals for graduate school -- also referred to as a letter of intent, personal statement or statement of purpose -- plays a big part in helping school officials decide if you are right for their school or not. Such essays should be clear and concise while reflecting your personality and what makes you a unique addition to your chosen school.


The purpose of your letter is to give you the opportunity to sell yourself to the graduate program of your choice, according to Grad Schools. It should convince the school that you represent a choice addition to their school. Include short and long-term goals and remember to stay as specific as possible. Avoid using "big academic words" if you can.


The content of your graduate school statement should include your academic achievements that distinguish you as a student, according to Grad Schools. Examples include having your work published in a science journal or similar publication, internships you have successfully completed and time spent studying abroad. Explain any inconsistencies in your academic record in a positive way, such as having to take a semester off due to family crises. You should also mention any work experience during college since this helps put your academic achievements in perspective, according to Grad Schools. The content of your graduate school statement often also includes why the school appeals to you and why you wish to attend.


Your statement's style should reflect your individually, since there is no perfect way to compose a statement, according to the Career Center at Berkley. Avoid lecturing and telling the professionals reading your statement what they should do or how they should act, according to the Career Center at Berkley. Discuss your academic goals and how they mesh with the school's program. Review your statement so that paragraphs transition smoothly and that your statement remains clear, specific and well organized. The statement should run two pages or less depending on the school's criteria.

Additional Tips

Formulate the conclusion of your statement as though it were the concluding paragraph of a persuasive essay, according to Grad Schools. The conclusion should sum up everything you have discussed and also make one last attempt at persuading the school why they should accept you. Having your statement reviewed by your professors and colleagues helps, since parts of the statement require improvement, modification or excision.

Tags: according Grad, according Grad Schools, Grad Schools, graduate school, your academic, they should, your statement