Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Selfdiscovery Writing Topics For Journals

Self-Discovery Writing Topics for Journals

A private journal can be an enormous source of strength, solace, and self-discovery. Because you process thoughts differently when you write than when you speak, it can also be a wonderful place to figure out who you are. When you write in your journal, practice free writing: do not censor or go back and fix anything. Write whatever occurs to you and keep going, no matter how odd it seems.

Your Authentic Self

Try this exercise to reconnect with your childhood self: imagine you at age ten. Someone gives you the one thing you have always wanted. Is it a toy or book? Is it a hug? Is it kind words? Describe the object or action, and how it affects your childhood self. Now, write the same thing from an adult perspective: imagine someone is giving you something you have always wanted. What has changed as far as your needs? Do you still want the same thing? What does this say about you as a person then and now?


Can the idea of the Divine feed your soul? To focus on this aspect of yourself, take a walk in a place that feels peaceful, and search for a rock. Hold the rock in your hands, and think about it -- this rock has been the same for thousands of years. What has it experienced, in this place of peace? If this rock could somehow understand you and your connection to the world, what might it offer you from its place of peace, stillness and longevity? What might you learn from this kind of wisdom? How might you find stillness and peace like this yourself?

Your Relationships

Everyone has at least one difficult relationship in their lives. Writing through some of these issues can offer clarity and peace. Write a letter you don't intend to send to a person with whom you've had problems. Write a scene in which the two of you are having a peaceful interaction. What is it about this relationship that blocks such a peaceful and calm scene? Can you imagine new ways to relate to this person to gain peace, love, or at least a calm acceptance?

Your Goals and Dreams

Sometimes you might feel you are losing your identity in relation to someone else, perhaps a parent or an employer. Imagine who you would be if you were free from your obligations to family and friends. Write a scene where you are doing something completely by yourself. Describe the scene in great detail. Describe your actions and how they make you feel. Are you painting in an artist's loft? Are you volunteering for a cause that matters to you? Are you enjoying a relaxing cup of tea as you read a book? Brainstorm ways you can get to this moment -- or a moment very much like it -- given the life you have now.

Tags: about this, always wanted, childhood self, have always, have always wanted