Friday, August 26, 2011

Scholarships For Stayathome Mothers

Because online classes have flexible schedules, many stay-at-home mothers find that pursuing an online degree is the only way to fit higher learning into their busy schedules. Fortunately, there are several sources of scholarship assistance available to stay-at-home mothers who are pursuing an online degree. These sources include both private companies and online institutions of higher learning.

The Mary Cone Barrie Scholarship

Destiny Solutions, a provider of software to the online education industry, makes scholarship money available to online students such as stay-at-home moms through the Mary Cone Barrie Scholarship. These scholarships are awarded to two applicants every year in the amount of $2,500 apiece. According to the Destiny Solutions website, the only eligibility requirement is that a student is "currently enrolled in a course or program through the continuing education division of any American or Canadian accredited college or university." The annual deadline for application is July 30. Interested students should visit the Destiny Solutions website to download an electronic application.

Destiny Solutions Inc.

40 Holly Street, Suite 800

Toronto, Ontario

M4S 3C3

Telephone: (416) 480-0500

Fax: (416) 480-2995


GetEducated.Com Online Education Scholarship Program

The website GetEducated.Com provides scholarship money to online students through its Online Education Scholarship Program. These scholarships are awarded in the amount of $1,000. In order to be eligible, a student must be a United States citizen, must be enrolled in an online program, and must have a grade point average of 3.0 or better on a scale of 4.0. In addition to filling out the application and submitting a transcript and tax information, a student must also submit a 500-word essay on the subject of what a college degree will mean to them. The annual deadline for application is October 15. Interested students should visit the GetEducated.Com website to download an electronic application., LLC

Online Education Scholarship Committee

4 Carmichael #2160

Essex Junction, Vermont 05452

World Campus Online Scholarships

World Campus, the online learning division of Pennsylvania State University, offers several scholarships to help World Campus students defray the cost of education. The Fischer Family Scholarship is awarded to a World Campus student with a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher who can demonstrate financial need. The annual application deadline is June 1. World Campus also offers scholarships to online students with a GPA of at least 3.0 through the Jane Ireland Student Fund. The application deadline for these is September 30. World Campus scholarships are awarded in amounts ranging from $1,000 to $3,500.

The Pennsylvania State University

301 Outreach Building

University Park PA 16802

Tags: World Campus, Destiny Solutions, Education Scholarship, Online Education, Online Education Scholarship, online students, scholarships awarded