Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Gifts For Medical Doctors

Show your gratitude with a gift.

Medical doctors undergo significant schooling and stress to be successful. An occasion that is appropriate for gift giving would be after your Ob Gyn delivers your child. A relative who recently began his residency would also appreciate a gift to celebrate his graduation from medical school. The perfect gift shows appreciation for a procedure, while it can also demonstrate pride that a close friend has become a doctor.

Digital Photo Frame

A digital photo frame is the perfect gift for your physician's office. Physicians can use the digital photo frame to show images of recent mission trips and satisfied patients. When choosing a digital photo frame, go for high resolution. The right digital photo frame should be of quality because it should capture the attention of patients in the waiting room. Another idea is to purchase a digital photo frame that can hold video as well as music.

Photo Of Your Newborn

The delivery of your newborn is a special event that you should celebrate. A birth announcement is the perfect gift for the Ob Gyn who delivered your child. Some physicians put photos of the babies that they deliver on their office walls. A handwritten personal thank you note demonstrates your gratitude. Even if you never print birth announcements, a 4x6 printed image will be appreciated. The perfect image for your doctor's office might be a photo of her with the newborn shortly after delivery.


A bouquet of flowers is a nice gesture to show your doctor gratitude. The bouquet can be delivered to the office or you can drop it off yourself. Flowers are the perfect gift because they can help make the doctor's office inviting, which attracts patients. The bouquet can match the color scheme of the office. You can also send flowers to a close friend who recently graduated from medical school.

Quality Pen

A quality pen is a thoughtful way to say congratulations to a medical school graduate. Some ideas include going to an office supply store or a jeweler that sells quality pens. A nice touch is to have the pen engraved. A jeweler can engrave a meaningful phase, such as "per aspera ad astra," a Latin phrase that means "through hardships to the stars." Another idea would be to have the person's name and graduation date engraved on the pen. In addition, purchase the pen case so the recipient can use the pen without losing it.

Tags: digital photo frame, perfect gift, photo frame, digital photo, medical school, Another idea