Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Write A Self Recommendation Letter

Maybe you feel that the best way to get the attention of a prospective employer or your dream university is by writing a recommendation letter of your own. Ultimately, you know more than anyone about the hard work and effort you put into your previous job or academics, and you know about each of your prized achievements. If you intend of writing a self-recommendation letter, there are a few tips to keep in mind in order to compose a successful and convincing letter.


1. Write about your accomplishments. Do not be overly humble. Even if you normally don't like boasting about your accomplishments, now isn't the time to shy away from talking about them. Keep in mind, though, to also be realistic. Avoid writing phrases like, "I am super intelligent" or "I can do that job with my eyes closed." Instead, talk about your achievements in college, the degrees your have earned, your overall GPA, scholarships earned or awards received. Also talk about clubs in which you have been involved in college, which will also demonstrate your ability to balance work and play. Discuss a time you demonstrated a leadership role in a project, another job or internship.

2. Submit back-up proof. With your self-recommendation letter, be sure to submit proof to back up your achievements. For example, if you are applying for a writing or publishing job, or if you are submitting an application to a graduate program at another college, submit your best writing samples. If there is a scholarship or an award your are particularly proud of, make a photocopy of the certificate and send it with your application. Let the admissions committee or future employer have access to the evidence.

3. Practice brevity. Since a recommendation letter is typically one page in length, there is no need to write pages about every little accomplishment, especially if it is irrelevant to the position for which you are applying. Instead, focus on three or four of your biggest academic or career accomplishments. These might include graduating valedictorian or salutatorian, having been previously accepted into another major university or interning at a highly respected organization.

4. Offer references. Maybe in your recommendation letter you wrote that you were an exceptional student or employee; however, to back up this claim, you should list, with permission, the contact information of previous employers or professors who you know could confirm your claim. If possible, have another professional write a recommendation letter for you as well.

Tags: about your, recommendation letter, about your accomplishments, self-recommendation letter, talk about, your accomplishments, your achievements