Thursday, March 24, 2011

Join A Sorority Or Fraternity

Joining a sorority or fraternity is a great way to get to know people with common interests, form a support structure for academics, and get involved with campus activities, leadership opportunities and community service.


1. Sign up for rush. This is the time when sororities and fraternities invite potential members to come look at their houses. Women usually have to visit every house before they choose, while men can usually select the houses they want to visit beforehand.

2. Visit all the houses. Talk with some of the members at each one and see what they have to say about their house and the people who live in it.

3. Ask what kinds of activities the house participates in. Do they do community service or have formals, social events and other activities? Are you interested in the activities they provide?

4. Find out what it's like to live in the house.

5. Determine which houses have people who share your interests - people you'd like to get to know better.

6. Mark your choices on a ballot when it's time to choose. This will be provided by the houses and will tell you list your favorites.

7. Submit your choices to the rush board. The board will notify you if one of the houses you selected would like you to join.

8. Go to the house that selects you to get information about what tasks and chores, if any, you must perform for that house in order to actually join.

Tags: community service, your choices