Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Keep One'S Mind Sharp

With fears of Alzheimer's and dementia, most people have wondered at least once or twice what can be done to keep the mind sharp. Luckily, not everything must be left up to genetics, nature and pure luck. There are a few things that you can do every day to exercise your mind and keep it sharp.


1. Maintain a healthy body through regular exercise and good sleep for proper brain function; however, a healthy diet may be the most important thing. Your brain requires a balanced diet which includes protein, healthy fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Eat as many fresh fruits and vegetables as possible and eat plenty of fish to ensure your brain gets the nutrients it needs.

2. Turn off the television and pick up a book. While the television stimulates the brain to some extent, it rarely forces us to really think. A book on the other hand requires large portions of the brain, to read, comprehend and analyze. While any old book will help to keep your mind sharp, materials which forces you to learn and think about new things are the best.

3. Exercise your mind with puzzles, riddles, memorization and playing games. Just as you must exercise to keep your body strong, you must exercise the mind, and these sorts of activities activate the mind, giving it a workout.

4. Take supplements of omega 3 fatty acids, which have been shown in scientific tests to improve brain function. Omega 3 can improve your study skills, increase concentration and keep your mind sharp. Always follow the manufacturer's recommendations for dosage information.

Tags: your mind, keep your, mind sharp, brain function, keep your mind, must exercise, your mind sharp