Friday, July 26, 2013

Prepare For The Toefl Pbt

The TOEFL is normally required for non-native English speakers if they wish to attend an English university program.

The TOEFL PBT, or the Test Of English as a Foreign Language Paper-Based Test, is the most accepted standardized test for English as a second language assessment for universities. The test is designed to assess whether you are capable of studying in English at the university level. As such, the test is challenging and consists of four parts: listening comprehension, structure and written expression, reading comprehension and a test of your writing skills in English. This test will determine whether you are allowed to study in English, so if there is an area in English where you are weak, you must invest significant time and energy into preparation.


1. Register for the TOEFL PBT and you will automatically receive a free kit of TOEFL practice tests. This kit includes two sample exams, listening material and scoring information. Take advantage of these resources to prepare for the test. The official TOEFL site has free sample questions, as well as free sample writing topics in PDF form. These are available without registering for the exam and are good resources to determine if you are ready to register for the exam. However, they are not nearly as comprehensive as the kit that comes when you register for the exam.

2. Hire a teacher or attend a TOEFL preparation class. This can be done through a private language school or by contacting a teacher directly. Work with a TOEFL preparation book. Longman, Barron and Kaplan are all publishers that offer TOEFL preparation books.

3. Immerse yourself in the language. Read books in English. Practice your listening comprehension online. News websites such as BBC and CNN offer online recordings of news in English that you can listen to.

Tags: TOEFL preparation, English university, free sample, listening comprehension, register exam