Friday, September 20, 2013

Write A Case Study Analysis

Case study analyses are reports or presentations written by business and management students that focus on a particular problem or situation at a company or organization. This situation can be a real one, or one created by the instructor for the purpose of providing the student with a topic. A case study is written as though it is being read by a manager or other upper level executive who has to make a decision based on the study. While there is no universally accepted approach to writing a case study analysis, there are certain things you can do to create an effective report.


1. Choose a topic for the case study. The best way to do this is to consider subjects that have been discussed in your class or been reviewed in class readings. For example, you might look at the application of the Japanese Total Quality Management manufacturing system.

2. Choose the business or organization that you will study. This should be a group dealing with the problem or issue that you selected in the previous step. For example, it might be a manufacturer that is trying to introduce total quality management into a factory system.

3. Conduct interviews of managers or employees at the business or organization who are involved in dealing with the selected issue. Design your questions to elicit the maximum amount of information about the issue, such as who at the company is involved and how it is being handled.

4. Research both online sources and relevant library journals about the business or organization and issue chosen. Make careful notes on those points you want to raise in your case study.

5. Analyze the information you have gathered in your interviews and research notes. Based on this information, write your case study analysis. The case study should include an introduction, or summary, and background information section. This should then be followed by detailed sections that discuss the issue you are evaluating, how it impacts the organization, and your findings. There should also be a concluding paragraph that offers possible solutions to the problem.

Tags: business organization, case study, case study, case study analysis, dealing with, example might, study analysis