Friday, April 10, 2009

Write A Product Positioning Statement

Write a Product Positioning Statement

You're likely familiar with your company's mission statement or vision statement. Equally as important but not as commonly known, a positioning statement uses 1 or 2 sentences to convey what it is you do and how you uniquely meet customers' needs. Though difficult to write, a positioning statement is important to set you apart from your competitors. Learn write a product positioning statement.


1. Review your company's mission and vision statements to understand what sets your organization apart from others. Keep this in mind as you write your positioning statement.

2. Write a list of your customers and their individual needs and preferences. You can gather this information through various market research methods like surveys. Categorize the list of needs and wants as urgent, important and desirable.

3. Create a table listing the needs of your customers along the top and each feature of your product or service down the side. Wherever a feature of your product or service meets a need of your customers, write down how it does so in the intersecting box. Then make a similar chart about each of your major competitors.

4. Identify your distinctive positioning using the information you collect. Compare the chart of your company's services and customer needs to the charts of your competitors, and determine how your company is unique. See how you meet the most urgent needs of your customers. With this information in mind, decide on the most compelling and attractive reason for people to choose your company.

5. Write a concise, focused sentence as your positioning statement. It should articulate what makes your product or service unique and desirable.

Tags: your company, your customers, your product service, positioning statement, product service