Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Use A Cell Phone At School Without Getting In Trouble

As children get older and develop into teenagers, many times they begin to break the rules (not necessarily the best idea, and not to be encouraged). Once you get a cell phone, you will hear countless numbers of times not to bring your cellular phone onto the school premises. This is a rule you will have to endure for many years, though being a teenager, you are going to want to have conversations with your friends that are not in the same classes as you. If you are planning to do this, understand that consequences will be great if you are caught, but if you’re going to attempt to use your cell phone at school without getting in trouble follow these tips.


1. Dress for the occasion. Wear clothes that fit your style but have hiding places for easy movement of your phone. Wear pants with loose pockets so that you can slide the device in quickly. If your pants are tighter or do not have pockets, bring a sweatshirt or hoodie that does.

2. Before you begin to text your friends around the school, get to them ahead of time to warn them that there is the possibility of you communicating with them during class so that they will know to turn their phones to silent mode. Do not forget to do this because if they get caught, teachers can look to see whom the message was from, or you might be turned in by someone. When you are telling your friends to turn their phones on silent, make sure that you remember to do this too. Another tip in doing this is to turn your phone on silent instead vibrate unless you are positive that your vibrate mode is silent.

3. Knowing your teacher’s personality and her level of strictness is also very important in deciding in which classroom to use your phone. If you are texting simply to have a conversation with someone, pick a class where you know the teacher likes you and that she is fairly accepting. This rule changes when you are texting because of urgency. If you are doing this, than you are going to need to be the master of a convincing fake smile and avoid looking down at your hands while sending your message.

4. Next pick the right place to text. If you can, try and excuse yourself from class to go to the library or bathroom to send messages. If you are sending the message in class, make sure you are not in the front of the room, and stay on the lookout for adults or tattlers strolling behind you. Another thing to keep in mind is trying to find tables that have low sides so that your phone will not be seen in your lap.

Tags: your phone, that your, your friends, cell phone, doing this