Friday, September 30, 2011

What Is The Minimum Credit Hours Needed To Get A Pell Grant

The Federal Pell Grant Program offers financial assistance to eligible low-income students.

The Pell Grant Program is a Federal Program that provides financial assistance to low-income college students in order make post-secondary education more accessible. Only students that meet the eligibility requirements can receive Pell Grant funds.


The student must be enrolled in an undergraduate program at least half-time. Half-time is considered six credit hours per semester or 12 credit hours per year. Full-time is considered 12 credit hours a semester or 24 credit hours per year. Students enrolled half-time may only receive half of the total awarded Pell Grant amount.


Students that hold a Bachelor's degree or higher are not eligible for Pell Grant funds. Even a degree from a non-accredited program will make a student ineligible. Students must be working toward their first bachelor's degree. Holding an associate-level degree or equivalent does not affect eligibility.

Eligible Family Contribution

A student's Eligible Family Contribution (EFC) is determined by completing the Federal Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The FAFSA must be completed by the student annually and determines how much a student's family can afford to contribute to the cost of college. As of 2010-2011, the maximum Pell Grant award is $5,500 per year.

Tags: Pell Grant, credit hours, considered credit, considered credit hours, credit hours semester, credit hours year, Eligible Family