Thursday, September 29, 2011

Get A Mcts Certification

Show your employer you are willing to continue your education and improve your IT career by getting Microsoft certification. Use the New Generation Microsoft certification exams to help bolster your resume and get you into better-paid positions. The Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS), designation can put you in the top-tier of candidates for jobs in the programming world. Get the certification you need by following these steps.


1. Choose the certification exams you would like to take. There is one foundational exam, and then you build from that exam to get the various forms of the MCTS designation. Microsoft offers 17 designations in all, giving you a wide range of options. Some of these programs are combinations, allowing you to get a base certification now and expand it later.

2. Take the assessment quiz Microsoft offers. This quiz lets you know where you are in terms of your knowledge of the .NET Framework. Use this information to help determine the best path for your MCTS designation.

3. Decide whether you are a self-learner or need classroom instruction. Microsoft offers self-guided books and practice exams for considerably less money, but some testers like the structure of a classroom. Many accredited training programs exist for those learners.

4. Set out a timeline for the completion of the desired certification. This deadline may coincide with graduating from college, changing jobs or it may be a deadline you create to help yourself along. This timeline should include time to study, take practice exams and prepare for the real thing.

5. Purchase the materials or enroll in the course for the first exam. Do so as quickly as possible to remain committed to this course of action for your certification. Many developers and industry experts believe the .NET Framework continues to be the trend in programming.

Tags: MCTS designation, Microsoft offers, certification exams, Microsoft certification, practice exams