Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Get A Masters Degree In Photography

A master's degree in any area is highly coveted. This is no exception in photography. Many individuals with a master's in photography are able to add credibility to their portfolio while also being highly sought after in comparison to their counterparts who are non-degreed. A master's degree in photography does take work and the following article will help you understand what is needed to get there.


Get Your Degree

1. Get your bachelor's degree first. Without any sort of bachelor's degree, it will be impossible to obtain a master's. Your bachelor's degree typically does not have to match your master's but, when applying to get your master's in photography, it might be in your best interest have a bachelor's in photography since this may make your admission into the grad school of your choice easier.

2. Read the requirements on the websites or catalogues of schools that offer the master's degree in photography. For example, a master's degree in photography may require that you have taken a set of introductory level photography classes before even being considered as an applicant in their pool of potential master's candidates.

3. Build your portfolio. This will probably be the greatest determining factor in whether or not you gain admittance to a master's program in photography. Have professors critique your work before applying and correct your weaknesses before you submit your portfolio to the schools of your choice.

Tags: master degree, bachelor degree, degree photography, master degree photography, master photography