Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Become A Cosmetology Teacher For Vocational Schools

Instructors are in more demand as the cosmetology industry grows.

The cosmetology industry is growing fast and with this growth comes many new students flooding vocational schools. The schools need cosmetology teachers who have knowledge and experience and the patience to teach. According to Education-Portal.com, an aspiring cosmetology instructor should be personable and knowledgeable in the field of cosmetology.


1. Complete cosmetology school. Most states require completion before letting you become an instructor. Cosmetology program hours or credits vary by state, so you need to check with the state where you want to teach to learn requirements.

2. Enroll in a cosmetology teacher's instructional program after completing cosmetology school. Most cosmetology schools offer teacher or instructor programs, which require fewer hours or credits than conventional cosmetology school.

Common requirements to enter instructor training or certificate program are a cosmetology license and six months to two years of field experience. Coursework typically includes teaching methods and theories, teaching theory, and developing evaluation techniques, according to Education-Portal.com. The website says a typical cosmetology instructor certificate program takes about a year to complete, depending on the program and the school.

3. Pass your state board exam before receiving your instructor license from the state. An instructor license is necessary to teach in vocational cosmetology schools.

4. You can now apply for teaching positions. Check with your local cosmetology vocational schools to see if they are hiring. Put together your resume and send copies out. Most teaching hires are made by two-year colleges and cosmetology academies.

Tags: cosmetology school, certificate program, cosmetology industry, cosmetology instructor, cosmetology school Most, cosmetology schools