Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Write Motivational Statements

Be prepared for an interview with a well-crafted motivational statement.

Whether you are seeking entrance into a specialized program of the armed forces, hoping to obtain an academic scholarship or providing guidance as a mentor, the motivational statement you write can influence the difference of your success or failure. When you write motivational statements, remember they are not form letters; you must dig deep and let yourself come through in the writing, while including information that pertains to your submission.


1. Answer four general questions in your motivational statement. First, include why you wish to pursue the degree or promotion at this time. Second, what academic or personal interests you have that pertain to your application. Third, why you are applying to the particular university or office, which should include mention of professors or officers you want to work with. Fourth, what you can specifically contribute to the program and its success.

2. Write about your true feelings in the statement. For instance, a motivational statement in your application to become a naval officer should reflect your personal reasons for becoming an officer. If your family legacy is one of naval officers, include this in the statement, with mention of how growing up watching your naval officer relatives inspired you to join the navy and to make a difference. The statement is one that the selection board will use to measure your desire to become an officer and the level of commitment you have to reach that goal.

3. Include personal experiences in your statement. These experiences include such things as reflections on the difficult road you chose to reach your goals. For example, if the motivational statement is one you are writing to mentor an undergrad once you have completed your undergraduate program with honors, you would include the struggles you faced when reaching your undergraduate degree and how they affected your life personally and academically.

4. Think outside the box and write from your heart. A motivational statement is not an English literature assignment. While you want to use the correct grammar and punctuation, the statement should ring of your deep emotional reasons for the statement and not filled with artificial testimonies you think the reader wants to see in the statement.

5. Mention your accomplishments in detail. For instance, if you are seeking a scholarship to college or for a higher-level degree program, you need to mention the honors you have earned, degree or grade-point average obtained and any community service work you spearheaded or was a part of. Close the statement with a brief summary of why you are the best candidate.

Tags: motivational statement, naval officer, statement with, your application, your undergraduate