Thursday, May 19, 2011

The History Of Humber College

Humber College is a higher institution of learning in Ontario, Canada. The college is best known for providing a wide range of courses and programs for students, ranging from the culinary arts and cooking to computer science and technology.


Humber College was founded in 1965. The name of the college came from the Humber River, which was located close to the college campus. The school immediately became accredited as a licensed college in Ontario.


In 1965, Humber College opened the Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology. This section of the school allowed students the chance to take classes in science, computers and art.


In the 1990s, the college began offering on-the-job training. It was the first college in Canada to give students credit for working in their chosen field.

Exchange Program

The exchange program launched in 2004 and sent faculty at Humber College to the Paris Conservatory. As part of the exchange, a professor from Paris would visit the school and teach the students.


In the 2000s, Humber College added a culinary arts program to the school. The program was the brainchild of French ambassador to Canada Daniel Jouanneau, who visited the college in 2006.

School of Creative & Performing Arts

The School of Creative & Performing Arts was added to the college in 2005. The college allowed students to start their own television station known as TVOntario, which is only viewed on campus.

Tags: Humber College, allowed students, Creative Performing, Creative Performing Arts, culinary arts, Performing Arts, School Creative