Friday, May 27, 2011

Where Is The Colossus Of Rhodes

The Rhodes harbor as it appears today.

The Colossus of Rhodes stood more than 2,000 years ago where the Aegean Sea meets the Mediterranean Sea at the entrance of the harbor on the island of Rhodes in Greece.

The Statue

Colossus was 110 feet high and stood on a pedestal posed in a traditional Greek manner. According to, Colossus was constructed in 305 B.C. by the people of Rhodes in the image of the god Helios to commemorate a victory after the siege of Demetrios Poliorketes, successor to Alexander the Great.

Where Colossus Stood

It was long believed that Colossus stood in front of the Mandraki harbor straddling the entrance. However, the height of the statue and the width of the harbor makes this theory impossible. According to, recent studies suggest that the statue was constructed farther inland.

The Destruction of Colossus

In 226 B.C. a strong earthquake hit Rhodes, and the city was badly damaged. The statue broke at the knee, which was its weakest point. Ptolemy III offered to fund all restoration costs, but an oracle who was consulted strongly advised against the reconstruction.

Tags: According Rhodesguide, Colossus Rhodes, Where Colossus