Monday, November 28, 2011

Classroom Design Ideas

A well-designed classroom contains a variety of learning outlets for children.

Students spend most of their time in the classroom. You can use different classroom design ideas to make the learning process easier. Classroom design is the concept of intentionally arranging a classroom space so it supports instruction. A well-designed classroom can encourage students as they learn while providing adequate space for exploration.

Discussion Circles

For a classroom discussion, a circular or semi-circular desk arrangement is best. This lets students look at one another and the teacher during lessons. Talking openly and face-to-face encourages student participation.

Cooperative Learning

Students can benefit from classrooms that incorporate group work spaces. Small circular tables or desks grouped together in clusters give students the chance to work together in small groups. An emphasis on cooperative learning in the classroom will help prepare students for their future jobs.

Learning Centers

Designating separate areas of the classroom for different activities is part of an organized classroom design. For instance, set up a classroom library corner with a bookshelf and comfortable seating in one area. Set up a computer station with educational games in another section of the room.

Moving Room

The well-designed classroom must be large enough to accommodate movement. Instead of remaining in one seat for the full class period, encourage students to move about the classroom from activity to activity. Teachers and aides also should be able to move around the room to assist students individually or in small groups. This works best in classrooms with an open space and wide aisles between furnishings.

Multipurpose Furnishings

Classroom furniture should be flexible enough to serve more than one purpose. Use a table with leaves so you can extend its size for large groups. Take out the leaves and shorten the table for individual work or small groups. Chairs should be lightweight so students can move them easily from the computer station to the discussion area. Use floor pillows for audience seating during a class presentation.

Tags: small groups, well-designed classroom, classroom design, classroom different, computer station