Thursday, November 3, 2011

Pay For Expensive Colleges

If you use federal loans, you will probably be paying these off for the rest of your life!

How is it possible these days to afford a very good college? The cost of tuition as well as housing is incredible! Here are some ways to be able to afford/pay for college.


1. Unfortunately, one way to pay for college is to attend a community college and live at home for the first couple years. I know the idea of living with mom and dad does not sound good to either you or them, but it will save thousands of dollars in the long-run! You may even be able to swing a job!

2. The cost of in-state universities are much better than the cost of out-of-state universities. Private schools are much higher than other schools and are even higher than some out-of-state universities. Deciding to stay at home or at least in the state of which you reside is definitely going to save you money.

3. The costs of buying books and supplies has gone up quite a bit. There are ways to cut the cost of textbooks, believe-it-or-not! You can use to find your textbooks. All you need is an ISBN number or the name of the book and its author. During my graduate studies, I cut the price of my books in half by buying them from

4. Another way to save money is to make sure that you will graduate in four years or less at a 4 year college. The percentages of those making it in four years is not good. Generally, it still takes 50% of people 6 years to make it through a four year university or college.

Tags: four years, higher than, out-of-state universities, save money