Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Get A Guy To Notice You At School

Get a Guy to Notice You at School

When they want a guy to notice them at school, many girls go to extremes and end up getting noticed in a bad way. Others do nothing and end up always wondering what could have been. Gaining confidence in yourself does not always mean getting the boyfriend that you want, but it may give you the wisdom to want someone else if it doesn't work out. You'll never know until you try.


1. Figure out why you like this boy. As a teen girl navigating the dating world, it's easy to fall into the "He's popular so he will make a great boyfriend" mentality. This isn't always a bad thing (he could really be a great catch), but you need to be honest with yourself so you aren't disappointed in the end. If you're on the debate team and he's a jock, it could prove that "opposites attract." More than likely though, it could prove to be a very boring relationship for you.

2. Dress up. This does not mean dressing more provocatively or changing your appearance drastically. Just take more care in your grooming in the mornings. Get up a little earlier and spend some extra time doing your makeup and hair. Carve a few moments out of your schedule to do your nails or give yourself facials at night. Once you begin doing this to get a guy's attention at school, you'll start realizing the importance of doing it for yourself, whether there is a boy in the picture or not. It's never too early for a girl to start a beauty routine, and trying to enter the teen dating scene is as good a reason as any.

3. Get to know his friends. A great way to get a boy to notice you is to work your way into his immediate friendship circle. It's also a great way to expand your own social scene. It's good to get to know a variety of different people, and the friendships you make might even outlast all your young romantic relationships.

4. Get involved in what he likes. Once again, a bonus to trying to figure out get a guy to notice you at school may be finding new activities that you enjoy. Maybe shooting hoops at the park won't be a lifelong hobby after the thrill of your teen dating years, but it could be fun, and extra exercise never hurt anyone. Don't stop doing what you already enjoy, just broaden your horizons by trying new things. The same goes for intellectual pursuits that he's involved in. Learning about fixing cars is a skill that every girl should have, and a little extra study in science won't hurt your college application in the least.

5. Learn to be a good listener. Another skill that you can't master too early--listening to people--will get you far in life, long after your teen dating years are over. To get a guy to notice you at school, the best trick is to subtly let him know that you are noticing him. People love to talk about themselves, and if you master the art of listening, he'll walk away thinking he just had one of the best conversations he's ever had.

6. Smile. Whenever in his presence, smile genuinely and warmly. This draws in all sorts of people. Being approachable makes you a person that others want to get to know better. Your personality is the best weapon to use when trying to figure out get a guy to notice you at school. Cultivate what makes you who you are. Then let it come shining through for others to see.

Tags: notice school, teen dating, could prove, dating years, figure notice, figure notice school