Friday, March 9, 2012

Find Grants For School

Grants help students.

Getting into college can often be daunting, but figuring out pay for it can often be even more daunting. Nevertheless, it is not as hard as it seems to get federal, local and foundation grant money to go to school. All you need is time and persistence. Almost everything you need to know about looking for grants is online.


Grants and Scholarships

1. Go to the United States Department of Education website: Here you will find federal Pell Grants that can help provide money for school. Follow the online instructions. If you have any questions call the Federal Student Aid Information Center at (800) 433-3243 or 800 4FED-AID.

2. Fill out the FAFSA (this is the Federal Application for Federal Student Aid). This form will not only force you to get organized in terms of what you will need handy (such as your federal tax returns), but it will also be necessary in the process of applying to varying grants.The FAFSA can be found at:

3. Talk to the financial aid counselor at your school, she may have a reference guide to scholarships aimed specifically towards you, whether you are particularly good at one area of study or a minority. For example, there are college grants for women and minorities such as African-Americans and Latinos. Sometimes colleges offer departmental grants or school-wide grants that you might be eligible for. One, among many reference guides is "The Everything Paying for College Book" by Nathan Brown and Sheryl A. Proper.

4. Learn about the National Association of Fellowship Advisors. Their website can be found at: Here, under scholarships, you will find a list of grants that apply to American universities, as well as doctoral study. You cannot become a member of the NAFA as membership is only open to colleges and universities. However, the site itself will help you navigate the current world of fellowships available.

5. Look up Foundations such as the Ford Foundation that are known for funding college tuitions. The Ford Foundation has a Diversity Fellowship that can be found at: There are also a number of websites that list foundations that give student money. Such websites can be found with a quick google search of "foundation scholarships for students" and include the likes of diversity websites such as:

Tags: Federal Student, Ford Foundation, grants that, money school, will find