Friday, June 29, 2012

Help A Child Practice Spelling Words

Learning proper word usage and spelling is a lifetime journey. When children develop strong spelling abilities and study habits at an early age, it makes learning more complex language skills much easier. Practicing spelling words with a child is one way to ensure success in reading.


1. Focus on writing. Let younger children trace each spelling word with colored pencils or crayons to get used to the letter combinations. After several successful tracings, ask the child to write the word from memory on a fresh sheet of paper. Instruct older children to study each spelling word for several minutes before asking them to attempt the same recall. This will help etch the words in the child’s memory.

2. Speak words aloud. Say each spelling word with the child to ensure proper pronunciation. Mispronouncing words often leads to letter transpositions or omissions when writing them. Read the spelling words from the list as the child writes them on paper. Call the words in varied orders to ensure the child is ready for each word in any situation.

3. Spread words around. Write the spelling words on index cards and place them around the house in places the child frequents. Increased exposure to spelling words can have a positive effect on memorization. Use the spelling words in everyday life to demonstrate the importance of learning spelling words. Children often get frustrated when it seems like spelling has no significance in their daily life.

4. Use pneumonic devices. Teach the child spelling tricks to make studying spelling words easier. For example, the commonly used “I before E, except after C” trick makes learning to spell words like deceive and relieve much faster. Allow your child to make and share his own tricks as you watch his spelling confidence soar.

5. Make practice fun. Play memory games involving the spelling words. Games like trying to find the missing letters in words help further memorization and keep the mood light. Sing songs and rhymes featuring the spellings of the words to give the child a fun way to remember. Learning to spell doesn’t have to be a stationary desk activity.

Tags: spelling words, each spelling, each spelling word, spelling word, child ensure