Thursday, June 14, 2012

Tips On Preparing For A College Fair

A college degree opens up employment opporunties for the future.

Graduating high school is a milestone for many young adults. Graduation also marks the beginning of a new and exciting endeavor: college. Getting ready for college and deciding which schools you want to attend can be an overwhelming process. To help prepare you, consider attending a college fair. A local college fair gives you the opportunity to network and talk to numerous college representatives, face to face. With a clear focus and early preparation, preparing with college can be a stress-free and rewarding process for you and your family.

What to Bring

It is important to bring preparation materials for a college fair. Going to a fair empty-handed may appear unprofessional to college representatives. Be sure to bring a notebook and writing utensils. Make numerous copies of your transcripts, SAT scores and updated resumes. In addition, bring business cards with your name, contact information and academic interests. If you do not have professional cards, you can write this information on index cards. Since you will gain a great deal of information and brochures, bring a large folder, binder or bag to hold this information.

What to Wear

While there isn't a strict dress code for college fairs, it is important to dress to impress. Wearing sweatpants may not be ideal. On the other hand, wearing a full business suit may appear out-of-place. You don't want to be uncomfortable and self-conscious. How you feel about your appearance will translate into your overall confidence. Smart casual works well here. This includes clean, dark jeans and a crisp button-down shirt. For women, you can also wear a skirt and blouse combination.

What to Say

What you say to college representatives is the most important element of preparation for college fairs. Prior to attending, write down a list of questions you would like to ask. For instance, what majors does the school offer? How large is the school? Are there internship opportunities available? What is campus life like? Representatives are there to answer your questions, so be sure to ask as many as you want. In addition, be sure to write down your interests and achievements. When answering a question from a representative, you can highlight your individuality and academic promise. You are free to attend the college fair with your parents. However, make sure that your parents don't talk for you; it is critical that you make an impression on your own.

Navigating the Fair

Be prepared for a wealth of information and a crowded fair with students, families and representatives. There may be anywhere from ten to hundreds of schools represented. Because of the crowds and the plethora of colleges to explore, you may become overwhelmed. However, if you prepare ahead with a list of colleges you are interested in, you can cut through the process of browsing. It is also helpful to obtain a map of the fair, with the tables you want to visit highlighted. Focus on visiting your top schools first. After the fair, go through the information gathered and weed out unnecessary information. You can then set up campus visits with your ideal schools.

Tags: college fair, college representatives, fair with, with your, college fairs