Monday, August 13, 2012

Get Better Grades In Middle School

Middle school can be a tough transition from elementary school; however, it provides the tools to become a successful student in high school. Students who made excellent grades in elementary school with ease may find it difficult to rise above low grades in middle school. Those who have a history of low achievement may find themselves repeating the same pattern. Despite these predicaments, with the right attitude and effective habits you can improve your grades in middle school.


Earn Better Grades in Middle School

1. Identify the key issues preventing you from excelling in school. Try to understand if the problem is psychological such as lack of motivation, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), depression, boredom or bullying; if the problem is academic based such as difficulty understanding the concepts; or trouble with literacy. The diagnosis will provide the necessary guide to giving you the correct treatment.

2. Obtain extra help from a qualified professionals. Oftentimes teenagers desire to be independent and in complete control of their lives. However, if you are struggling with a dire issue then you may need to enlist the assistance of another to help you improve your grades. In some cases, you may need a psychologist to counsel you or you may need a tutor to provide more academic insight about your schoolwork. Consult your teacher for extra help and to see how you can improve in certain areas.

3. Learn reduce stress and anxiety. The pressure to succeed in school can be overbearing; therefore, you need to seek healthy ways to cope and relieve stress. Stress can hinder your academic performance significantly, especially during exams. Change your mindset about school. Instead view school as a fun learning experience and preparation for dealing with a variety of challenges in your life.

4. Put more time into the assignments. The more practice and effort you put into your assignments the more experienced you will become. Learn to delay gratification and be willing to dedicate time to truly understanding the assignment. Implement what you've learned in the class into daily life for personal enrichment.

5. Put aside lifestyle practices that interfere with academics. If you spend too much time playing video games or on the computer, then you are cutting down on quality time you could be spending nurturing your intellect. Instead of blocking out your academics with entertainment, try to find an aspect of academics that you are passionate and interested in.

6. Participate more in class and outside the classroom. Discussing the assignments in class, taking notes and actively listening can keep you engaged in the classroom. If you find yourself getting distracted, try to focus harder and find an interesting aspect of the topic. Get involved in extracurricular activities. School will seem welcoming, and your enthusiasm for attending school will increase.

7. Improve your study techniques. If you are working hard in class and your grade are still not improving, then you may need to relearn study. Avoid cramming for tests, and instead study the topic every day, so the information remains fresh in your mind. Think of creative ways, such as flash cards or creating songs, that can help you memorize important material .

8. Get a study buddy. A study buddy can motivate and keep you focused on your schoolwork. You can also gain a richer perspective for working with your study buddy and develop team work skills.

9. Make short-term and long-term goals. Get excited about your accomplishments and reward yourself for complete difficult assignments. If there are awards that are given for academic achievement, work towards those awards. Visit a college that you would like to attend to keep your eye on the prize.

Tags: study buddy, about your, assignments more, Better Grades, Better Grades Middle