Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Get Prepared For College

Preparation for college isn't just about preparing your mind. Although that is a large part of the college experience, learning to live on your own and be accountable for your actions is even more important. For many, the transition from high school to college is too hard to handle. These students drop out after their first college semester or year. There is a way to avoid the culture shock. This article will help you get prepared for college so you can have a good time while still maintaining your grades and social life.


1. Turn in all your assignments on time. Typically in high school teachers will hunt you down until you turn in all of your homework. College is different. If you don't turn in an assignment, nothing is said, your grade just suffers. In college you are no longer treated like a child, you are treated like an adult. Begin being accountable for your work early so you will be prepared for college life.

2. Take a writing class. High school is the place to prepare for college. Most high schools or local community colleges offer course that help you learn write great papers. Many papers are required in college, so this is an important skill.

3. Show up to class every day. Many classes in college are large lectures classes that don't take attendance. At first this seems pretty cool, "I don't have to go to class!" It is, however, more like a test. If you show up each and every day, you will be ahead of most of the class.

4. Fill an old jewelry box or shoe box with some money. College preparation isn't all about grades and accountability. You also have to have money. Situations arise when you need another textbook, or a CD for a new music appreciation class. You have to be prepared if you are short on cash. Keep a secret money hiding place for emergencies.

5. Join a new organization. To prepare for college life, try joining a new club during high school. College is all about new experiences. If you can adapt to new experiences in high school, it won't be such a culture shock.

Tags: high school, accountable your, college life, culture shock, prepare college, prepared college