Monday, January 31, 2011

Get Noticed As The New Kid In Middle School

Being the new kid at school can make you feel like an outsider unless the other kids notice and accept you. Whether your new school is large or small, there are ways you can attract the kind of attention that will set you apart and help you make friends.


1. Smile at everyone you meet. Other students will feel more comfortable approaching you if you are easygoing and gracious. You may be new but you're not the only one trying to feel accepted. Your kindness will be remembered and appreciated.

2. Show some interest in other students and their activities or academics. Compliment the athletes if they win a game and congratulate the student with the highest grade on the algebra test.

3. Join some after-school clubs where you can meet other kids and volunteer to work on special committees. Go out of your way to present new ideas for the club.

4. Run for student council. It's hard work and you may not win but the other students will come to know you and respect you for trying and when it's over, they won't think of you as the new kid anymore.

5. Start conversations instead of waiting for other students to speak. The other kids may be nervous about talking to you so go ahead, introduce yourself and ask them to do the same.

6. Relax and give it some time. Although it's tough to move into a new school where no one knows you, in time, if you take part in extra-curricular activities and clubs, they will begin to notice you.

7. Respond to negativity with kindness. If you're going all-out and trying to make others like you but you run into some students who make it clear that you're not welcome, just smile and go about your way.

Tags: other kids, other students, students will