Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Study For An Organizational Behavior Exam

Study for your organizational behavior exam before your course starts. It's easier than cramming the last few days before the exam. Don't lose sleep days before the exam, and use a proper study plan.


1. Purchase your organizational behavior books before the course begins. Read them from the first to last chapter, get the course terminology down. Study the first 2 chapters after you read the last chapter. Study these chapters twice, once for reading, twice for underlining. Use the learning objectives as a guide to what to highlight.

2. Take notes as soon as your first class organizational behavior class starts. Do this every course and study them every evening. Ask questions as soon as they pop into your mind. This includes questions that come to you during the class and questions that come to you during your study period. Too many people don't ask questions, then get surprised when these questions show up on the exam.

3. Complete your organizational behavior research paper as soon as possible. Read through this research paper requirement and get with the professor if you have questions. You want to complete this paper as early in the course as possible. You then have the rest of the course to study for your exam.

4. Get an organizational behavior study group together. Each one of you should pick a chapter to study in depth, then ask each other questions. Since your study program has you covering all of these chapters in detail, take the opportunity to help each classmate explain their section to the group.

5. A week before the exam, study what you've highlighted. Be familiar with the organizational behavior learning objectives. If there's any objective that you can't cover, go back and study the applicable sections in your textbook.

6. Study your notes until the evening before the exam. Get plenty of rest the night before and eat lightly before taking the exam. You don't want to engage the exam while fighting sleep. Arrive early so that you can hear important hints while everybody is waiting for students to file in.

Tags: before exam, organizational behavior, organizational behavior, your organizational, your organizational behavior