Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Job Fair Ideas

If you're interested in creating job fairs targeted toward certain job seekers, research the job market in your city and the jobs currently in high demand there. To research the market, talk with the director of the city's work force center. You can also go to your state department of labor's website to find information on the job market statewide. Also when planning a job fair, interview employers about the opportunities for job seekers as well as the type of workers they want.

Home-Based Business Fairs

To target job seekers who want to use their skills to work from home, consider having a job fair that that helps people build successful home-based businesses. Invite local entrepreneurs from various industries to speak with job fair attendees about the legalities of home-based businesses, ways to obtain funding and ways to promote the business.

Tourism Job Fair

If you live in a city that thrives on a tourist economy, plan a job fair specifically for those who work in the tourism industry. Invite employers from restaurants, hotels, nightclubs and local tourism organizations to review resumes of the attendants. Also, have some vocational schools and community college department deans speak with attendees about any training they offer for people who want to work in tourism.

Professionals Without a Degree

Job fairs could also target those who are seeking professional jobs but who don't have a college degree. For example, invite local banks, small businesses, major retail outlets, schools and other employers to talk with attendees about careers that don't require a degree. Those businesses could also review attendees' resumes.

Tags: attendees about, could also, home-based businesses, research market, speak with