Monday, December 20, 2010

Study For Spanish Class Exams

Studying with a friend can help you score better on an exam.

Learning Spanish can have its fair share of challenges. However difficult those challenges may be, learning another language has countless benefits. Not only can it help you get a job, it creates a deeper understanding for languages in general. Studying for Spanish exams is essential if you want to score well. There are many different things you can do to prepare for your Spanish exam. Gathering all your materials and finding a quiet place to study is the first and easiest thing you to do.


1. Review the latest vocabulary terms you learned in Spanish class. If these terms are objects in your house, place a name tag on these objects to help you remember the Spanish translation. Every time you use that object, say the Spanish translation aloud. After time, this new vocabulary will stick with you.

2. Use learned verb conjugations in sentences when writing or speaking. Create your own sentences interjecting the correct verb conjugation. Have the teacher or a fluent friend check your work.

3. Create flashcards to help you remember feminine versus masculine nouns. Some words are considered feminine, while others are considered masculine in the Spanish language. Flashcards that have either "el" or "la" followed by a word will help you remember which words are feminine and which words are masculine. Look out for the exceptions! Words such as "el agua" and "la mano" are examples of exceptions.

4. Reread any passages that you believe are of importance. Assigned reading assignments should be reread for comprehension. If you have trouble seeing an overall picture from the passage, draw pictures to help create a sense of what is going on. Put the pictures together to form an idea of what the passage is about. You can also form a study group and enlist the help of peers with a better level of comprehension to help you.

5. Practice writing an answer to response questions. Have a friend ask you questions, then write your response on a white board to practice your writing skills. Check for the correct sentence order, vocabulary usage and verb conjugations. Your exams will more than likely have a question/answer portion. Teachers often test your reading and writing skills on Spanish exams.

Tags: help remember, Spanish exams, Spanish translation, verb conjugations, which words, writing skills