Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Complete An Online School Group Project Successfully

Online school team projects require a clear schedule.

Taking your classes online offers the convenience of flexibility with your schedule. Some classes may require online collaboration on group projects as part of your coursework. If this is a requirement, you may find yourself dependent on fellow students for a good overall semester grade. To ensure your online team project is successful, you must all be on the same page and have clear roles for each group member.


1. Introduce yourselves to each other. Giving a little work/life background helps to break the ice and makes everyone aware of the schedule and commitments of fellow class group members. This will ensure planning of time lines that reasonably accommodate everyone.

2. Follow project guidelines to the letter. Many school assignments are graded according to a rubric that is based on the assignment's guidelines. According to the Michigan State University, a rubric is a scoring tool that makes grading of assignments easy and consistent. It specifies the criteria of the project and levels of quality for grading purposes.

3. Divide the assignment into equitable sections based on the project guidelines. Let group members decide which section(s) they would like to work on. This can be done on a first come, first served basis, or you might decide on a different method.

4. Designate one section for editing, compiling and submitting the assignment. One group member should concentrate on this portion to ensure a thorough job is done. This will ensure that all aspects of the assignment have been covered and the work is properly credited.

5. Set dates for checking in with other class group members on the progress of the project. Use the online workspace or discussion area to update each other on individual project tasks. This keeps the team cohesive and ensures everyone is doing their part behind the scenes.

6. Set dates for submitting the drafts and final individual work. Use this time frame to gather feedback, help and new ideas from fellow project members before the project is put together as one. This is a great way to have a more comprehensive project that will earn high grades.

7. Submit the project by the due date. Since actual submission by the due date is the crucial step of getting a grade on the project, leave enough time for final proofing and submission.

Tags: group members, class group, class group members, each other, group member