Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Degree In Finance Vs Degree In Accounting

Accounting and finance have many things in common, including sharing some concepts and theories. Although connected to one another, finance is the process that occurs after the accounting is complete.

Fundamental Difference

Accounting is the organization and management of financial information. Finance is the management of money.

Money Management

Finance focuses on the applications of money management while accounting focuses on financial transaction management and classification.

Finance vs Accounting Coursework

The curriculum for a finance degree is more math intensive while that for an accounting degree usually has fewer elective options and more classes required from the major grouping of courses.

Analysis vs Processes

Finance is an evaluative and analytical focused education. Accounting is a process-oriented program.

Degree Requirement Differences

A finance bachelor's degrees usually require 120 to 126 credits to complete. Many accounting degrees require 130 to 150 credit hours to complete. Accounting is usually the longest degree program to complete.


Accounting degree programs are focused on obtaining the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) designation. Although equivalent finance related designations exist, the bachelor's degree in finance degree program is not typically tailored to such an outcome.

Tags: degree program, finance degree