Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Help College Students Choose Classes

Whether you're a parent, friend or college guidance counselor, you may be asked to assist a college student with choosing their semester classes. Though the request may seem simple enough, there can be plenty of complexities. What kind of schedule does the student want? Which professor should he select? Find out how you can help answer these questions and more and help college students choose their classes.


1. Decipher what the student's skills and weaknesses are. If he's a great writer, you may want to encourage him to sign up for an advanced creative writing course. If he needs improvement in math skills, consider suggesting a beginner mathematics class.

2. Make a list of pro's and con's of each course the student is interested in. The student may earn more credits in a particular course and be challenged academically, but the class may be taught by a poor professor or may only be offered at inconvenient or undesirable times like on a weekend.

3. Ask around for input. Ask other students for their opinions on a class or professor. Though they may be biased, you may also get an honest and well-rounded viewpoint on specific questions you have.

4. Examine the college catalog. You can find out important information about graduation requirements, class descriptions and sequences to take classes to meet certain qualifications.

5. Encourage them to study what they're interested in pursuing a career in. Yes, yoga and pilates is a ton of fun. Yes, studying the constellations can be exciting. But if the college student wants to be a private detective, they should choose classes within their field of long-term interest.

Tags: college student