Friday, October 28, 2011

Stress Reduction Techniques For Students

As a student, you face a variety of situations each day that make you feel like the weight of the world rests solely on your shoulders. Tests, projects, relationships, and part-time jobs combine with countless other factors to make your life more complicated than ever. Rising stress levels may adversely affect your performance and quality of life. Learning stress reduction techniques will not only make school life more enjoyable but also benefit you as you enter adulthood.


If you resemble most students, exams probably account for a large portion of your stress. Unfortunately, as long as you attend school you'll have to take exams. And while a healthy level of stress proves necessary to keep you on your toes, too much stress can cripple you on test day.

Studying in advance should fight off unnecessary testing anxiety. Walking into an exam knowing you have done everything in your power to prepare produces a calming effect. If you've studied, you will likely cruise through the test with few hiccups. If you don't, at least you'll know you tried your best.

However, proper studying does not occur the night before the exam. Cramming will only send you further into a state of hysteria as you grow overwhelmed with information.


Students often fall victim to lack of sleep. With overly packed schedules combined with myriad distractions, sleep might seem like a waste of time. According to Cornell University psychologist James B. Maas, "Almost all teenagers, as they reach puberty, become walking zombies because they are getting far too little sleep." This lack of sleep causes school performance to plummet and stress levels to rise.

Regardless of your reason for staying up late, fix it. You need your full 8 hours of rest to perform at optimal levels. After the proper amount of sleep, you will awake refreshed and in a good mood. Your attitude will improve as you prepare to face whatever obstacles await you.


Arriving to class late and unprepared sends you into a panic--especially on test day. Make a habit of waking up early before class. Make sure you have all your pencils, notebooks, and whatever else you need ready when you first wake. Take a moment to sit and mentally prepare for your day in the quiet.

Arrive early to school. If you have a test, you might want to take a minute to glance at your notes or maybe you'd rather just relax. Either way, you're early and mentally prepared to face your day.


Have you ever heard someone start the famous saying, "All work and no play..."? Well, it's true. You're still a kid and you need to have some fun. Celebrate your hard work. Go hang out with some friends. Listen to music or play some video games. Go out on a date.

Just remember--all things in moderation. Too much fun causes your school performance to drop. When grades fall, anxiety grows. Also, stay away from alcohol and illegal drugs. These things only throw you further off your game, causing you to lose focus.

Tags: lack sleep, life more, school have, school performance, stress levels, will only