Monday, July 9, 2012

Scholarships For Health Science Majors

Health sciences departments often give scholarships to those willing to stay in this field.

Our current administration is working to support and strengthen our educational pathways. This has made more funding available to colleges and foundations seeking to support students in managing their educational careers. For health science majors, a number of scholarships and grants are available. Some states, such as West Virginia, are creating special incentives to keep medical health providers available to those areas in highest need.

State of West Virginia Health Sciences Scholarships

Recently, the State of West Virginia put into place health sciences scholarships intended to keep the state's medical students practicing within the state. Up to $20,000 in tuition is available for application by students of medical health sciences. In exchange, students are asked to agree to serve in an underserved community in this state for a limited period of time.

West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission

1018 Kanawha Boulevard East, Suite 700

Charleston, WV 25301-2827


Fax: 304-558-0532


Anthony Pizzo Scholarship

The Indiana University School of Medicine offers the Anthony Pizzo Scholarship through the Bloomington Medical Science Program. All students entering in their first year are automatically notified about apply in July or August. The award decision is made by medical center staff, community leaders and scholarship committee faculty. Selections are based on academic excellence as well as financial need. Awards are renewable. The average award is $5,000.

John B. Watkins III Ph.D.

Assistant Dean Director

Medical Sciences, Jordan Hall Room 105

Bloomington, IN 47405


The School of Health Sciences and Human Performance

Two scholarships are listed at the main website for the Ithaca School of Health Sciences and Human Performance at Ithaca College. Professor Karl and Marjory Klein are providing a scholarship for undergraduate students who demonstrate outstanding academic performance and expertise in the basic sciences. The scholarship is available to current students of the school, who are encouraged to apply, and deliver their applications to the dean in person. The application can be easily downloaded from the school's website, and the amount of the award is listed as being for "a year" of school, which as of 2010, was $43,840, including tutition, room and board.

The second scholarship offtered to Ithaca health sciences students is the Plus One Scholarship, which is for a full-time student with financial hardship who mainains an average GPA of at least 2.80.

Applicants can download the application from the school's website, and must provide the dean with a resume, letter of interest that includes career goals and why the applicant wants to help in this field.

Office of Student Financial Services

953 Danby Road -

Ithaca, NY 14850-7000

800-429-4275 or 607-274-3131

Fax: 607-274-1895

Tags: West Virginia, Anthony Pizzo, Anthony Pizzo Scholarship, from school, from school website, Health Sciences, Health Sciences Human