Tuesday, July 31, 2012

What Types Of Law Study At Law Universities

Law universities, or law schools as they are usually called, offer students an education in many different areas of the law. The school's faculty members are often specialists in specific areas of law, giving students the benefits of their expertise.

Constitutional Law

Stanford University has a constitutional law and theory curriculum which provides students the chance to study the creation of the Constitution, how constitutional law affects foreign affairs and issues involving the first amendment and religion.

International Law

International and foreign law is a common area of study in the top law schools. For instance, Columbia Law School has an international, foreign and comparative law curriculum offering courses on European law, African law and comparative law (how the law operates in different countries).


Criminal law is a standard curriculum at law schools, as students who intend to become trial lawyers need in-depth training in this fundamental aspect of the law. Harvard Law School offers a criminal adjudication course, which the school describes as " from bail to jail." The course covers topics from pretrial detention to appellate review, giving students a solid grounding in the criminal process.

Environmental Law

Environmental law has become an increasingly important field of study as more laws are passed to protect the environment. Yale Law School has a course called "Environmental Law and Policy," which introduces students to basic U. S. environmental laws and examines current legal approaches to reducing pollution.

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