Thursday, November 1, 2012

Organizational & Time Management Skills For Students

Organization today prevents an all nighter later

Good organization and time management aren't only for professionals or parents -- they enable a student to excel in her studies with less stress. Organization frees time for extracurricular activities -- whatever those might be -- making for a well-rounded person. A little time spent early on can prevent frenzied, all-night study sessions.

Plot Due Dates

Once you have all the syllabi for a semester, sit down with a calendar or planner and mark all your due dates. Identify times that will be really busy and relatively slower times. For larger assignments, think of smaller pieces (for example, a paper outline, next week's readings) that you could work on during the slower times.

Strategize Assignments

Often there are options for some assignments' due dates, such as choosing a week to present a concept or write a short paper. Look at your slower times in the semester and choose to do an assignment during these times. This usually means getting these assignments out the way early in the semester.

Organize Notes

Develop an electronic or paper filing system for your notes. Make a folder for each subject, then subfolders for each week. Keep all your class notes, readings, labs, etc. Instead of scrambling -- and stressing -- about missing notes before an exam, you will have everything in one place. Keeping things organized will also create a tidy workspace, which helps keep you focused.

Plan Daily

Every day, identify what you need to get done. Remember to be realistic, given the other demands on your time. Consulting your planner regularly will be essential, but look ahead and see what you can start early. If you break down all your assignments into daily amounts, it doesn't seem as overwhelming.

Stay Healthy

Busy times happen, usually in the last few weeks of the semester. When you're studying, remember to take breaks. Your brain can only absorb so much in one go. Work for 45 minutes to 1 hour, then take a 15 minute break. Try to get some fresh air or get away from the computer. Remember to eat well and get enough sleep. Your brain won't work well on exam day if you've neglected your health.

Tags: slower times, Your brain